Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homemade Adult Halloween Costumes

Executive Summary about homemade adult halloween costumes by Christine Stuart, Caley Walsh, and Nicole Dean
Adult Halloween Costume Ideas: New Ways To Generate Ideas
You don't need to have excellent sewing skills to create homemade adult Halloween costumes that will make you stand out from the crowd. All you really need is some creativity, a friend you can borrow something from, a closet full of clothes and easy access to a thrift shop.
Work with what you have and if you need help bring the most outrageous (or good humored) friend help you come up with your own creation.
The best costume I ever saw was a homemade crash test dummy costume! Let your imagination run wild! Begin by sorting your clothing and accessories into themed piles and further sort from that. Once you’ve selected your overall theme, you can accessorize and develop more specific pieces to go along with your costume.
If at any time during the process you find yourself missing accessories or certain gear to complete your costume, head on down to your local thrift shop.
Remember, it's a Halloween costume, not a formal event. What's important is that you're having fun in the creation of your masterpiece costume!

Homemade Halloween Costumes
I entered into my first Halloween costume contest at the age of five, alongside my two sisters. To make the homemade Halloween costumes, she measured around our bodies, cut out tubes of felt and affixed Velcro at the back. Crayon point hats were created with the help of a cardboard triangle glued into a funnel shape and covered with felt. Black felt supplied the “Crayola” and squiggles at each end.
Any kid or adult could immediately identify our costume, which indulged such a pinnacle kid favorite. While we did not win the costume contest that year, we still have these adult homemade Halloween costumes made so many years ago.
No one ever wins a Halloween costume contest with a purchased costume, no matter how intricate. Homemade Halloween costumes are simply superior. Those winning homemade Halloween costumes demonstrate superior creativity, crafting skill and most of all, effort. Homemade Halloween costumes based on puns score extra points.
Those crayons will always be first in my heart, but I have seen many great homemade Halloween costumes over the years. Groups of people seem to be a contributing factor in great homemade Halloween costumes. A group of costumed people creating a Halloween theme together just compounds the cute, just like with puppies. Extra points were given to dead author costumes incorporating how the authors died. Sure, our dead author homemade Halloween costumes were dark, perhaps even a touch disrespectful, but they were also funny. For students accustomed to reading and writing all day long, the adult homemade Halloween costumes were strangely therapeutic.

Halloween Costumes You Can Make From A Cardboard Box
Do you have a cardboard box that is large enough to fit around your child? Start by cutting a hole in the box for your child’s head. Or, if the box is smaller, then you’ll attach straps to the edges of the box when the costume is completed (like suspenders) and fit them over your child’s shoulders.
A Wrapped Gift
Wrap the entire box in gift wrap (whatever kind you like the best) and stick a bow on your child’s head.
Computer Monitor
Spray paint the box grey. After it dries, paint a white screen on the front of the monitor.
Box of Cereal
Does your child have a favorite cereal? Fruit Loops, Cheerios, Cocoa Puffs? Any box of cereal can be painted onto a cardboard box and turned into a costume.
Spray paint the box grey or silver.
Spending time creating these costumes together may end up being even more fun than trick-or-treating.
Check out other guide on halloween costumes for plus size women.

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